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Need a Hand Identifying a Meucci Cue

Need a Hand Identifying a Meucci Cue

I can not find any information about this Meucci cue.

I am just looking for the model number. It has a rainbow stained forearm and no points.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Need a Hand Identifying a Meucci Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. DDMbilliardsforum on 4/3/2024 4:56:43 AM

    It is a Meucci RB-3 "red" pool cue from the Meucci Recession Buster series, circa mid-2010.

    MSRP was $345.

    Meucci RB3 Cue

    Meucci pool cue with a mixed color stained maple forearm.

    The butt is white with mixed color stained maple windows and red pearl inlays.

    The handle is black with red spec Irish linen coated in lacquer.

    The joint is black phenolic with a 5/16 x 18 pin.

    There are three sets of red pearl box rings set in black phenolic.

    This pool cue comes standard with 1 black dot shaft with at 12.75 mm tip.


  2. DDMDDM on 4/3/2024 9:55:31 AM

    Thank you for your time and help!

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Need a Hand Identifying a Meucci Cue

  • Title: Need a Hand Identifying a Meucci Cue
  • Author: (D. Marchant)
  • Published: 4/2/2024 7:50:39 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/3/2024 4:34:13 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)