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How to Repair Scratches in Pool Table Wood

How to Repair Scratches in Pool Table Wood

I have the opportunity to purchase a Brunswick Gold Crown III table that has several deep scratches on the laminate as well as the apron.

What can be used to repair these scratches?

Other than the few scratches the table appears to be in very good condition.

The seller is asking $600 for the pool table. Based on my description is it worth the $600?

How to Repair Scratches in Pool Table Wood

Replies & Comments

  1. cvoellingsdduffett on 10/8/2010 11:54:14 AM

    Gold Crowns seem to hold value well. Most are way more than $600. Deep wood scratches can be repaired with wax filler sticks that match the color. Or burn in shellac sticks can work for deep scratches. Since you are asking-- burn in sticks may be too high tech. You could just wax the scratches with bee's wax this will tone them down. The other alternatives are Antique refinishing polish --Howards Restore a finish with color match or sand and refinish. If it is the metal parts you will have to buff them out.

  2. cvoellingscvoellings on 10/8/2010 2:54:27 PM

    Thanks for the info....

  3. cvoellingsMikey on 6/13/2015 3:41:40 PM

    Check out you tube videos on Howard products, im going to try them. very easy, good results.

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How to Repair Scratches in Pool Table Wood

  • Title: How to Repair Scratches in Pool Table Wood
  • Author:
  • Published: 9/29/2010 4:46:00 PM