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8 Ball in Opponents Last Pocket and I Have Group Balls Left

8 Ball in Opponents Last Pocket and I Have Group Balls Left

What happens in last pocket 8 ball if I still have object balls left on the table from my group of ball, and I inadvertently pocket the 8 ball into my opponent's last pocket?

So if I have one group ball to hit, and I hit the 8 ball in his "last pocket", do I lose the game?

8 Ball in Opponents Last Pocket and I Have Group Balls Left

Replies & Comments

  1. Queen Bbilliardsforum on 3/23/2019 7:10:06 AM

    You lose the game.

    It has nothing to do with the fact that the pocket it went into is the opponent's "last pocket".

    It's because you sunk the 8 ball before your group was cleared.

    The rule comes from the World Pool-Billiards Association 8 ball rules (emphasis ours):

    3.8 Losing the Rack

    The shooter loses if he:

    • (a) pockets the eight ball and fouls.;
    • (b) pockets the eight ball before his group is cleared;
    • (c) pockets the eight ball in an uncalled pocket; or
    • (d) drives the eight ball off the table.

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8 Ball in Opponents Last Pocket and I Have Group Balls Left

  • Title: 8 Ball in Opponents Last Pocket and I Have Group Balls Left
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/28/2011 5:43:45 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/23/2019 6:32:27 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)