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The faul at the last shot

The faul at the last shot

Please tell me the rule for this below Scenario:

The only ball left on the table is the 8 ball. While I was trying to put the 8 ball into a pocket, I sink the white ball into the pocket, The 8 ball remained on the table.

Which one is the next step?

  1. The other player can put the white ball anywhere on the table and shot at any aim?
  2. The other player can put the white ball behind the foul line, and can shot the 8 ball if the ball is at the other side of the table, otherwise he has to try to hit the 9 ball by first shooting the cushion at the front.

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

The faul at the last shot

Replies & Comments

  1. guestMitch Alsup on 4/10/2012 5:57:24 PM

    APA, and most bar rules: You lose. BCA, and many tournement rules: opponent gets BIH (Ball in Hand)--that is anywhere on the table. In this scenario, that is tantamount to losing in just one more stroke.

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The faul at the last shot

  • Title: The faul at the last shot
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/10/2012 8:53:52 AM