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Can Billiard Balls be Damaged by Cold Temperatures? Answer from Aramith

Can Billiard Balls be Damaged by Cold Temperatures? Answer from Aramith

I recently had the pleasure of receiving direct communication from the Saluc company in Belgium. I thought I would pass along the information, as I had never heard of this precise topic before!

Ray: Dear Aramith, My home pool table is outdoors. Can the balls be damaged by cold temperatures? How cold? What about damage from daily warming cycles?

Aramith: It is more a question of humidity than cold temperature. We strongly advise to keep the balls in a dark and dry place, ideally at room temperature.

Ray: Thank you for the information. I'm going to assume that the balls won't contract and expand enough to cause warpage or cracking, even from 0 degrees Celsius up to 10 degrees [32F - 50F] in one day. Please let me know what damage might be caused by humidity, and whether this is during the short and/or long term.

Aramith: Your assumption is correct. As for the humidity, it has [little] influence at cold temperature. At warm temperature, high humidity level increases the yellowing of the resin. Best regards. ARAMITH - BELGIUM

Can Billiard Balls be Damaged by Cold Temperatures? Answer from Aramith

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Can Billiard Balls be Damaged by Cold Temperatures? Answer from Aramith

  • Title: Can Billiard Balls be Damaged by Cold Temperatures? Answer from Aramith
  • Author: (Ray Mills)
  • Published: 11/30/2021 2:43:39 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/1/2021 1:41:22 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)