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Centennial Billiard Balls Turned Cloudy After Washing in Hot Water

Centennial Billiard Balls Turned Cloudy After Washing in Hot Water

I was cleaning my 25 year old Brunswick Centennial billiard balls in hot soapy water. I noticed after about three minutes they turned hazy. The haze looks like it is on the surface, and it cannot be removed with Aramith ball cleaner.

Any ideas as to the cause of the haze and how to remove the haze formation from the pool balls?

Centennial Billiard Balls Turned Cloudy After Washing in Hot Water

Replies & Comments

  1. DocRayMills on 5/21/2021 11:57:51 PM

    How hot would you say the water was when you cleaned the balls?

    This sounds like when the plastic exterior of my car's headlights went foggy. There are many suggestions on how to strip away the damage, but it still seems to boil down to how much the plastic was damaged by the environment.

    I'll bet that if you request a suggestion from Aramith, they'll say the old technology is too old to repair.

  2. DocDoc on 5/22/2021 5:33:25 AM

    Hello Ray, and thank you for your reply.

    The water temperature was about 130 °F. It was tap water with a bit of mild dish detergent added.

    If I knew the cause, I would figure out how to solve the issue.

    Thanks again.

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Centennial Billiard Balls Turned Cloudy After Washing in Hot Water

  • Title: Centennial Billiard Balls Turned Cloudy After Washing in Hot Water
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/8/2021 8:29:59 AM
  • Last Updated: 5/20/2021 5:01:32 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)