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Confidence for Billiard Tournaments

Confidence for Billiard Tournaments

Are there any ways to increase confidence levels before a big match?

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Confidence for Billiard Tournaments

Replies & Comments

  1. guestguest on 4/8/2007 7:52:02 PM

    Don't think of it as a competition...

  2. guestbilliardsforum on 4/8/2007 7:53:08 PM

    As a start you'll want to study and practice mental billiard preparation. We published an article in June of 2006 with some basics on how to get started in this mindset. Once you make these, and other mental practices a habit, it will come natural, regardless of the situation. The article, called Preparing Mentally for Billiards is in our pool playing tips section.

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Confidence for Billiard Tournaments

  • Title: Confidence for Billiard Tournaments
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/28/2007 6:28:28 PM