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Coolpool and Maximumpool Online Pool

Coolpool and Maximumpool Online Pool

Hi all of you pool freaks!

We have a small but active pool community in the online games of Coolpool and Maximumpool.

Its free and nice and easy to use. Get into an open game to kill some time. It beats solitaire. Also, if you get skilled, we have pool tournaments and ladders for the ones who seek competition.

You can play 8 ball, 9 ball, rotation, snooker, carambole, and a few other "crazy" games.

Hit F5 to refresh the room list in MaxPool

Coolpool and Maximumpool Online Pool

Replies & Comments

  1. Lemmybilliardsforum on 12/9/2008 4:30:43 AM

    Where do I send the bill for this advertising?

  2. LemmyLemmy on 12/9/2008 5:12:34 AM

    We're just a small non-commercial pool community, I thought this was the same. My mistake and please accept my deepest apologies for your inconvenience.

    Happy pool playing, Lemmy

  3. Lemmybilliardsforum on 12/9/2008 5:19:06 AM

    Lemmy, I might have jumped the gun there - I'm obviously on edge because of the high level of spammers I fight constantly.

    If you want to do a link exchange, you can go ahead and post in our directory. (go to the homepage, and scroll all the way to the bottom, and click the "directory" link.

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Coolpool and Maximumpool Online Pool

  • Title: Coolpool and Maximumpool Online Pool
  • Author: (Lemmy Bloss)
  • Published: 12/9/2008 4:29:25 AM