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ID Plain Pool Cue with Inlaid Design on Handle

ID Plain Pool Cue with Inlaid Design on Handle

I need some help to ID this plain pool cue with no logos or markings.

The pool cue has what appears to be an inlaid design pattern on the handle (instead of a wrap).

15999855567394918244568510782310.jpg 1599985627836520898278942727132.jpg

ID Plain Pool Cue with Inlaid Design on Handle

Replies & Comments

  1. user1594677940billiardsforum on 9/14/2020 1:28:34 PM

    I can't place it based on those photos alone.

    • Is there any info at all you can tell us about the cue?
    • Where and when you came to own it (if you own it).
    • Do you have any indications or hints as to it's age?
    • Can we see a photo of the joint while the cue is apart?

    The pool cue's construction quality doesn't appear to be very good from the photo, but they are a bit blurry/cloudy so it's hard to tell

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ID Plain Pool Cue with Inlaid Design on Handle

  • Title: ID Plain Pool Cue with Inlaid Design on Handle
  • Author: (Willis Fillion)
  • Published: 9/13/2020 1:27:51 AM
  • Last Updated: 9/14/2020 1:23:31 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)