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Identify Cue With Ebony Butt With Alternating Mop Inlays?

Identify Cue With Ebony Butt With Alternating Mop Inlays?

Can you identify this cue bearing 4 colorful full blank points with tiny MOP diamond inlays, an ebony butt with 2 diamond MOP inlays alternating with 2 snowflake MOP inlays, a rounded slip in bumper, and 5/16 x 18 thread?


Identify Cue With Ebony Butt With Alternating Mop Inlays?

Replies & Comments

  1. RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseumChopdoc on 3/28/2019 6:26:03 PM

    It's a Mali cue. I'll see if I can dig up the exact model.

    Want to sell it?

  2. RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseumRackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseum on 3/28/2019 11:06:14 PM

    I just bought it as a possible Viking, but cannot match up with any standard model Viking. It appears to have the same point structure and colors in my Palmer PB-7, which was contracted to Adam I am told. So one possibility is an Adam cue made out of an extra Palmer PB line cue blank. It is the ebony butt with 2 diamond MOP inlays alternating with 2 snowflake MOP inlays that should lead the path to the maker I believe!

  3. RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseumbilliardsforum on 3/29/2019 2:28:45 AM

    Are you talking about the same cue in your original photo?

  4. RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseumRackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseum on 3/29/2019 4:59:40 AM

    Yes, inlaid into the ebony butt is the snowflake MOP plainly shown, the other one is a diamond MOP, which then repeats.

    The shaft screws onto a Palmer PM-7, so the thread is the same and the points are very similar, but the thickness of the connector and butt is about 1mm less than a Palmer PM-7.

    I removed the rounded rubber bumper and found that it does insert nicely into the butt of a Viking A170 that I own. In the Viking line the closest match is a B90 or H90, which would need to have been ordered in ebony and all the inlays would have had to be added because they are not part of a B90 or H90. I notice the ringwork near the stainless steel joint is very similar to that on a B90 or H90.

    I will be speaking to Rick at Viking today about custom ringwork I am adding to a Viking Demo Cue, and will discuss with him the possibility of identifying this unmarked Cue.







  5. RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseumbilliardsforum on 3/29/2019 2:04:07 PM

    I was confused because @chopdoc had already identified it as a Mali cue.

    Let us know if you hear anything to the contrary.

  6. RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseumRackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseum on 4/1/2019 10:57:29 AM

    Rick Rolli at Viking Cues does not believe this cue is a Viking, even though the butt stopper fits a Viking A170 cue. His response to my inquiry is as follows:

    That doesn’t look like a Viking to me.

    The butt screw is different than any I have seen. The ring work on the butt joint and one of the shafts is not something we have used. The shaft with the smaller black looks like Viking ring-work. We may have made a shaft for it.

    You demo cue should ship back this week.


    Please let me know if anyone can locate a model number in a Mali cue line that matches this cue.

    I am especially interested in whether the ebony butt with two mother of pearl diamond inlays alternating with two mother of pearl snowflake inlays is standard on the model?

  7. RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseumChopdoc on 4/1/2019 12:52:38 PM

    As I said, it's not a Viking, it's a Mali Cue.

    All another manufacturer can tell you is that it isn't their cue. Rare is the manufacturer that is an expert on anything except their own cues. Even custom cue makers are often not experts on anything other than what they make and often get such cue IDs wrong.

    Identifying a cue by a bumper does not work when the bumper has been changed. I knew it was the wrong bumper because I was looking at the cue.

    With that said, the Mali and the Viking bumpers of that era are no longer available. I might be willing to trade a Mali bumper for your Viking bumper as I have an original Mali bumper and need a Viking bumper.

    I'll see if it is in my resources but there are several Mali cues of this age and style that remain unidentified. I have one. It could be anywhere from about 1979 to the mid to late 1980's.

    In addition, they did make custom cues as well, so the exact model may not be in any catalog.

    Not finding the cue does not necessarily mean it is a custom because we don't yet have all the old catalogs in the public domain.

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Identify Cue With Ebony Butt With Alternating Mop Inlays?