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Info on a Dufferin "Joe Davis" Snooker Cue

Info on a Dufferin "Joe Davis" Snooker Cue

I have an old Dufferin silver or gold leaf Joe Davis pool cue. It is a 16 oz, one-piece snooker cue.

I'm looking for some information on the cue.

The name Joe Davis is inscribed on the cue, but it is just barely visible as it has faded over the years. Hopefully you can make it out.

I appreciate any help you can provide in identifying the model and sharing what ever other info you might have on the cue.





Info on a Dufferin "Joe Davis" Snooker Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. markmccreebilliardsforum on 1/20/2024 8:55:50 AM

    It is an older Dufferin snooker cue from the Joe Davis line.

    Joe Davis was a world-famous snooker player who was the world snooker champion from 1927 until his retirement in 1946.

    His name was used on quite a number of different Dufferin Snooker cues (when they were still a Canadian-based company and made their cues in Canada.

    They're good cues, but not worth much—think values between $30 and $60 USD, if in near-perfect condition.

    Given that yours is a one-piece, and appears to be in rather poor condition, there's very little value to it.

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Info on a Dufferin "Joe Davis" Snooker Cue

  • Title: Info on a Dufferin "Joe Davis" Snooker Cue
  • Author: (Mark Mccree)
  • Published: 1/17/2024 6:53:00 AM
  • Last Updated: 1/20/2024 8:48:53 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)