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Info on a Plain White Meucci Cue with Brown Ring Near the Butt

Info on a Plain White Meucci Cue with Brown Ring Near the Butt

Can anyone pinpoint the model of my Meucci pool cue?

It's mostly a white-ish resin/plastic pool cue, with a small wood ring near the butt.

It has a white linen wrap and the clear coat


Info on a Plain White Meucci Cue with Brown Ring Near the Butt

Replies & Comments

  1. user1703193060billiardsforum on 12/28/2023 11:36:24 AM

    This is a Meucci A3 cue from the Meucci Autumn series circa 1997-1999.

    The Meucci Autumn #3 cue had a MSRP of $199 at that time. It is worth somewhere less than that today.

    The forearm and ring (at the butt sleeve) is made from a grey-stained figured Birds Eye maple.

    The series is sometimes referred to as the Meucci "Fall" series.

    Here's an image of the Meucci A3 cue from a Meucci Autumn series circa 1997.


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Info on a Plain White Meucci Cue with Brown Ring Near the Butt

  • Title: Info on a Plain White Meucci Cue with Brown Ring Near the Butt
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/21/2023 9:11:01 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/28/2023 11:19:08 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)