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Pool Cue With a Bell Shaped Tip

Pool Cue With a Bell Shaped Tip

I inherited a stick from my great grandfathers estate. This stick has no markings except that it's marked as weighing "23" oz.

Odd as that may be, my question is about the ferrule. It has a definite bell shape giving the tip a larger diameter than the shaft. The problem is the ferrule and the shaft are cracked. I would like to send this shaft to someone to have a replacement made.

However, I also want another "bell tip" to keep the stick as original as I can. does anyone know if these are still available.

And, could someone suggest a qualified shop that could shape and set up a shaft for a restoration such as this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Pool Cue With a Bell Shaped Tip

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Pool Cue With a Bell Shaped Tip

  • Title: Pool Cue With a Bell Shaped Tip
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/19/2012 10:25:24 AM