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Meucci O-2 Airplane Cue Wanted

Meucci O-2 Airplane Cue Wanted

I am looking for a Meucci O-2 cue also known as the Meucci "Airplane" cue.

Meucci's original stock number was O-2 indicating that it was in their "Oldies Series".

I'd prefer "NOS" (New Old Stock)

Please send pics if you have a Meucci O-2 cue for sale.

Meucci O-2 Airplane Cue Wanted

Replies & Comments

  1. Furnitureguymike_dickerson on 3/12/2008 2:26:24 AM

    I have the Meucci airplane cue if you are still interested.

    If so, email me at m.dickerson81@gmail.com

  2. Furnitureguyeric bodin on 3/15/2008 11:28:14 AM

    Hi Mike, I am Eric and I am new to this forum as you can tell, but I have a Meucci airplane cue that I am going to sell as well.

    I bought this cue about 6 years ago and it is in great shape. It will probably need a new tip soon but other than that is is ready to go. I was going to post this cue on eBay soon so if you are interested let me know. My email is h2bodin@yahoo.com

  3. Furnitureguycoastal_tony on 2/19/2010 6:14:05 AM

    I have a "custom" Meucci 95-19, which is also known as "The Airplane Cue" for sale. The forearm has a dark grey stain on it, but otherwise the cue is in "like new" condition, with the original tip. This particular Meucci 95-19 was made in 1996. I am asking $350, shipped, within the USA.

  4. Furnitureguyguest on 2/25/2010 5:56:56 PM

    Are you still looking for an O-2 Meucci pool cue?

  5. Furnitureguysfl1972 on 6/16/2010 7:12:10 PM

    I have this cue for sale. It isn't a Meucci O-2 but I think it is the Meucci 95-19 which is the predecessor of the O-2. It is the "Airplane Cue" from the Meucci 95 Series.

    Please contact me for info. dwojnicz@gmail.com

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Meucci O-2 Airplane Cue Wanted

  • Title: Meucci O-2 Airplane Cue Wanted
  • Author: (D Jiles)
  • Published: 1/10/2008 9:52:59 PM