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1936 Brunswick Billiard Table Parts

1936 Brunswick Billiard Table Parts

I have a 1936 4 1/2 x 9 Brunswick billiard table. There are diamond shape inserts all around the top which are set into the wood. Does anyone know where I can find replacement parts to fit these?

1936 Brunswick Billiard Table Parts

Replies & Comments

  1. DKSRquickshot on 1/29/2010 12:34:24 PM

    I think you should start your search at the below site.


  2. DKSRDKSR on 2/3/2010 9:25:52 PM

    They referred me to a site that no longer exisits. If anyone has any other ideas please let me know

  3. DKSRbrada-ron on 2/6/2010 1:04:54 AM

    You can find the parts you are looking for.

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1936 Brunswick Billiard Table Parts

  • Title: 1936 Brunswick Billiard Table Parts
  • Author:
  • Published: 1/29/2010 12:28:52 PM