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How to install new fabric on your table

How to install new fabric on your table

We've uploaded a bunch of howto videos including how to install new cloth on your pool table homebilliards.ca

How to install new fabric on your table

Replies & Comments

  1. homebilliardsbilliardsforum on 11/24/2009 4:51:04 PM

    I'm sorry, but as clearly stated in about 8 places, including directly above the box you type your post in, we do not welcome users posting advertisements for businesses.

    Do you want to get some advertising set up?

  2. homebilliardshomebilliards on 11/25/2009 10:22:59 AM

    Sorry about that - didn't know that posting YouTube videos was against the forum rules. I'll go over the guidelines before posting again.


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How to install new fabric on your table

  • Title: How to install new fabric on your table
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/24/2009 2:18:28 PM