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Replace Cushion Cloth on Fischer Pool Table, No Feather Strips

Replace Cushion Cloth on Fischer Pool Table, No Feather Strips

How do you replace cloth and cushions on a Fischer pool table when the rails have no feather strips?

I have a Fischer pool table that I'm trying to replace the bumpers and felt on.

I got the rails off, started removing the old felt, and there are no feather strips. The cloth appears to be stapled to the strip of wood that the bumper was glued to. It just disappears into that seam.

I've been able to pull it out and the edge is frayed as though I ripped it from staples.

Part of me thinks I should pry the wood strip off - but I don't know how it is attached to the rail. And, I certainly don't want to break one of them.

Has anyone ever dealt with something like this? Should I try to remove the wood strip from the rail?

Replace Cushion Cloth on Fischer Pool Table, No Feather Strips

Replies & Comments

  1. user1638484720James Perkins on 12/3/2021 6:10:58 AM

    I don't know. I painstakingly pulled each staple out. Some were rusted and broken, however, I made new rails. By the way, the cloth was factory stapled dead center in the recess in the wood, and it was also glued.

    I used 3M adhesive and staples to glue the cloth to rails.

    If you check YouTube for "Penguin Amusement How to Cover and Restore Pool Table Rails", there's a good video. I used this as a tutorial.

    On a side note, the factory rails were made from cheap pine wood. I used white oak for the new rails. I tend to think that it provides a faster rebound with the small U23 cushion rubber. I have nothing scientific to back that theory up, it's just my thinking.

    Hope this helps!

  2. user1638484720user1638484720 on 12/3/2021 6:33:44 AM

    Thanks. This is the first video I've seen where the top seam of the felt isn't removed by just popping a feather strip out.

    This makes sense, but in this video, the rail is fastened to the sides of the pool table with bolts and t-nuts. I have no idea how mine are attached. But after watching that video again and looking at the rails again, I found the bolts holding them on! There are large screws driven at an angle behind another piece that bolts to the pool table. They are counter sunk, so kind of hidden, but I still can't believe I missed them.

    Thanks so much for pointing me to the Penguin video. Every other video shows a feather strip and I thought I was insane.

    My pool table is going to be 1000% improved now!

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Replace Cushion Cloth on Fischer Pool Table, No Feather Strips

  • Title: Replace Cushion Cloth on Fischer Pool Table, No Feather Strips
  • Author: (Tom Appelbaum)
  • Published: 12/2/2021 2:38:41 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/11/2021 3:23:59 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)