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Value of a 1968 Brunswick Centennial Model D-C Eight Pool Table

Value of a 1968 Brunswick Centennial Model D-C Eight Pool Table

I am trying to find the value of a 1968 Brunswick Centennial model D-C EIGHT (DC EIGHT) 8' pool table for a relative who is wanting to get rid of it.

Value of a 1968 Brunswick Centennial Model D-C Eight Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. user1588791695billiardsforum on 5/27/2020 5:47:18 PM

    It is really hard to say without seeing clear detailed photos of the actual Centennial pool table they have.

    For pool table valuations, condition is everything.

    Its a bad market for used residential-grade pool tables. It has been for some time now, and will be for some time into the future.

    In general, it would be worth between $300 and $800 depending on condition, the market, it's location, etc.

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Value of a 1968 Brunswick Centennial Model D-C Eight Pool Table

  • Title: Value of a 1968 Brunswick Centennial Model D-C Eight Pool Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/6/2020 12:01:35 PM
  • Last Updated: 5/27/2020 5:44:55 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)