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Belvidere 8' Billiard Pool Table and Cue Cabinet for Sale

Belvidere 8' Billiard Pool Table and Cue Cabinet for Sale

For sale is a Belvidere 8' billiard table with dartboard and cabinet cue rack.

The Belvidere pool table features furniture quality wood veneer top rail with scratch resistant coating, a 1" play field with 35% wool blend cotton.

The pool table comes complete with all accessories needed for both games.

Assembled Table Dimensions: 95.5"L x 53.5"W x 31"H Weight 366 lb

Bonus bristle dartboard and cabinet cue rack

I have a 2 month old set very new condition. Hardly play at all for sale at $350.

Contact (626) 410-8628 located in SoCal. Glendora, CA 91740.

Belvidere 8' Billiard Pool Table and Cue Cabinet for Sale

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  1. phuturephuture on 12/29/2015 11:06:17 AM

    Sold Please delete

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Belvidere 8' Billiard Pool Table and Cue Cabinet for Sale

  • Title: Belvidere 8' Billiard Pool Table and Cue Cabinet for Sale
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/10/2012 10:49:12 AM